
Here on Yap the people love to chew betelnut. I did read a lot about it and was wondering how it is.

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First some facts: the betelnut grows on a palm tree. It loves to grow in an area with not too much sunshine. Mainly on a tropical island (like Yap). Here on Yap they are saying that their betelnuts are the best.

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Okay, during the land tour on Yap we could try the betelnut. First you open it, then add some lime powder and finally it is wrapped in a pepper leaf. Then this whole thing moves into your mouth (left or right part) and you start chewing. A lot of red juice is produced in your mouth with you spit. As long as juice is produced you go on chewing and spitting. I got pretty hot and I thought it has to do with the fact that I am female and above 40, but no, it was the betelnut. My body didn’t react much to the betelnut. Maybe I need to chew more of them 😉

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